MJM-021 Reporting Techniques Solved Assignment 2020-21 , BEGC–102 Solved Assignment, IGNOU Assignments 2020-21- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for BEGC–102 Programme in Hindi for the year 2020-21. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself. They don’t got to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this article only.
Candidates got to download the IGNOU Assignments for appearing within the Term conclude Examination.
MJM-021 Reporting Techniques Solved Assignment 2020-21
reply all questions.
Note: reply all questions, all questions carry equal marks
1. fade through a newspaper of your choice & set two news stories – one following the inverted pyramid style of writing & another that does not. Analyse the differences. (350 words)
2. Identify a development issue in your locality/area & write a report on it along with a headline & dateline. (300 words)
3. Follow a political issue of your choice in newspapers for a week. Write a news report summarising the developments. (350 words)
4. Cover a game of sports of your choice & write a report for the local newspaper. (200 words)
5. Write a story highlighting the rising number of cases of mental health in your town/city & affirmative action towards mental illness. (250 words)
MJM-021 Reporting Techniques Solved Assignment 2020-21 All those candidates who had completely solved their IGNOU BEGC–102 European Classical Literature Solved Assignment 2020-21 can submit their IGNOU Assignments to the coordinator of your nearest IGNOU Study Centre that has been alloted to you during the time of IGNOU Admission.
Please Note- After submitting your Assignments, please don’t forget to require the receipt of the Submission of Assignment.
IGNOU Assignments Guidelines
Aims: MJM-021 Reporting Techniques Solved Assignment 2020-21 This assignment cares mainly with assessing your application & your understanding of the course material. you’re to not reproduce chunks of data from the course material but to use the talents of critical appreciation that you simply may have acquired during the course of study. This assignment aims to show also on assess your performance.
Guidelines: There are three sections – Section A, B & C, you’re required to aim all questions in your own words & hand written Assignments should be submitted on time.
Instructions: MJM-021 Reporting Techniques Solved Assignment 2020-21 Before attempting the questions please read the subsequent instructions carefully. As in day-to-day life, planning is vital in attempting the assignment also . Read the assignment carefully; undergo the units on which the questions are based; jot some points regarding each question then re-arrange them during a logical order. within the essay-type answer, concentrate to your introduction & conclusion. The introduction must tell you ways to interpret the given topic & the way you plan to develop it. The conclusion must summarize your views on the subject . Once you’re satisfied together with your answers, you’ll write down the ultimate version for submission, writing each answer neatly & underlining the points you would like to stress . you ought to submit the assignment in your own handwriting.
create sure that your answer:
a) is logical
b) is written in simple & proper English
c) doesn’t exceed the amount of words indicated in your questions
d) is written neatly & clearly.
Last Date for Submission of Assignment:
· For June Examination: 31st March
· For December Examination: 30th September
IGNOU Assignment Status 2020-21
MJM-021 Reporting Techniques Solved Assignment 2020-21, Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. BEGC–102 Solved Assignment 2020-21 along side assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you’ll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it’d take 40 days to declare.
Here the scholars can check their IGNOU Assignment Status, marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December.
Once the TEE assignments are submitted to the Centres, it’s send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.