KU UG Backlog Examination Forms for 1st Semester Batchs (2016-21)

Kashmir University UG Backlog Examination Forms for 1st Semester Batch/s (2016-21) available now
Date of subbmission : 02-01-2033 Last date of submission : 09-01-2023
Check here https://egov.uok.edu.in/exams/ugforms/prelogin/default_new.aspx?id=4
The online examination forms of Kashmir University for Backlogcandidates of BG 1st Semester (Batch 2016-2021) and BG 3rd Semester(Batch 2016-2020) shall be available on the University website www.kashmiruniversity.ac.in, www.uok.edu.in as per following dates:-
BG 1st Semester: 02-01-2023 to 09-01-2023
BG 3rd Semester: 03-01-2023 to 10-01-2023
BG 1st & 3rd Semester Rs. 250/- Per Paper/Subject Hot & Cold Charges Rs. 50/-
The candidates need not to submit the hard copy of examinationform anywhere. However, they shall retain the hardcopy of theexamination form for future reference
The Orphan/Disabled candidates are exempted from payment of fee.However, they need to submit the relevant documents along with thehardcopy of examination form in the UG Conduct Section of the Examination Wing, by or before 10th January, 2023, Check full pdf below