KU Revaluation BG 5th sem Regular/Fresh Private (batch 2018) & Backlog(2016-17)

Kashmir University / KU Revaluation BG 5th sem Regular/Fresh Private (batch 2018) & Backlog(2016-17) is now available and will remain open from today for a period of 10 days.
Instructions for Applying Reevaluation/ Xerox Copy of Answer Scripts
1. Re-evaluation of answer scripts shall be permissible in each course of a semester-end examination of UG/ PG/Professional courses, for which a candidate shall have to apply online with the prescribed fee.
2. Re-evaluation shall not be permitted in the Objective Type response Sheets , Practical Examination, Project Report, Dissertation and Viva-Voice etc.
3. Final result after re-evaluation will be based on average marks of 1st & 2nd Examiners. As such, the marks may increase or decrease after the re-evaluation. Average of best two will be counted if answer script goes to 3rd evaluator.
4. Time duration within which a candidate can apply for Photostat copy of Answer Script/s and re-evaluation shall be 10 days after the declaration of result after paying requisite fee.
5. No rechecking of answer scripts shall be permissible.
6. Preservation period of answer scripts shall be 30 days after declaration of result.
How to apply for Kashmir University Revaluation?
- Click KU revaluation link here
- Click on BG 5th sem Regular/Fresh Private (batch 2018) and Backlog batches (2016,2017) exam of March-April, 2021 link
- Now Enter your roll no. and click find
- It will display your details
- Now select the subjects you want to apply for revaluation
- Pay the Fee/Amount in any JKBank Branch
- Submit and take a printout for future references
- Reprint receipt here
1 – Print/Save this slip
2 – Deposit the fee in any finnacle branch of J&K Bank
3 – Check status of receipt after 48 hours
4 – To check status go to Re-Evaluation link at www.kashmiruniversity.net Click Reprint/Check confirmation link and select your result
Enter the RollNo in the popup box and select Check Bank Confirmation
5 – To Reprint this receipt select Re-print Receipt in the same popup
6 – Read Instructions page for full list of instructions
Note: Applicants are not required to come to university or deposit any kind of document in the university
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