The university will be soon declare the Hall Tickets of All courses for Upcoming TEE Examination December 2020.
Candidates are required to get downloaded this ticket for appearing in the upcoming IGNOU TEE that is going to be conducted in February 2021.
Update: IGNOU Hall Ticket has been released on 28 January 2021
Check Details Here
If you have already submitted your IGNOU Exam Form for Term End Exam December 2020 by online or offline and if it was accepted by IGNOU then you will get your Hall Ticket in upcoming exam.
The Page or Link for Checking and downloading Hall Ticket will be created by IGNOU and the uploading process of student’s hall ticket will be started after closing of exam form submission. Candidates will be able to check and download their Hall Ticket from this page.
As we all know that the IGNOU Exam Form submission for the session December 2020 is now running at the online portal and IGNOU head office will be released the Hall Ticket for Term End Exam Dec 2020 to the next year in the month of January 2021 just before the commencement of the examination in the month of February 2021. For convenience to the students, we have also released the expected date of declaration of IGNOU Hall Ticket for February 2021 and we are sure that that hall ticket will be released late by this date.
IGNOU candidates will be able to download their Term End Exam Hall Ticket for the session December 2020 from here after the official announcement released by the university. We also want to inform you that candidates can download their Theory Exam as well as Practical Examination Hall Ticket from our given link. IGNOU All Courses are included in the same link which includes each course for those exams going to be conducted.
Candidates are requested to keep their ID card and enrollment number handy so that you can easily access and download IGNOU Hall Ticket easily after it gets released by IGNOU university.
IGNOU Hall Ticket Release Date Dec 2020
As we all know that the IGNOU TEE Examination for December 2020 is now shifted to Feb 2021 due to delay of June 2020 TEE that means the declaration of Hall Ticket is also shifted from November 2020 to January 2021. We are now expecting that the IGNOU Hall Ticket might be released on or before 30th January 2021 for all academic courses and all academic years and semesters.
TEE Dec 2020 Event
Date & Status
Expected Release Date of Hall Ticket Feb 2021
Last Week of January 2021
Official Release Date of Hall Ticket
To be announced later
Status of IGNOU Hall Ticket
In Progress
Confirm Timing of Released
To be declared later
Generally, IGNOU Hall Ticket released by the university officials 7 to 10 days before the commencement of IGNOU term-end examination of any session. The release of hall ticket might be delayed for TEE Dec 2020 because of current situations in India. We will be informed to students for any new updates regarding IGNOU Hall Ticket December 2020.
IGNOU Practical Hall Ticket January 2021
It is to inform all students that the university declaring the practical hall ticket together with the term-end theory hall ticket. So the students are requested to follow the same procedure for IGNOU Practical Hall Ticket which followed for theory papers. Candidates will get the proper exam date and timings for practical papers along with theory papers.
According to the previous records, the university will be declared the TEE Practical Hall Ticket for Dec 2020 session on its scheduled time and it will be available for download for all students as well as for all courses. If you are not available to download your hall ticket then please wait for the next update from IGNOU Head Office to get access to your hall ticket.
IGNOU Entrance Hall Ticket 2021
IGNOU is frequently conducting the entrance examination for various program to finalise the admission process in the various degree courses like MBA, Bed, and PhD programs. The entrance examination is compulsory if students interested to get admitted in one of the programs mentioned above.
Generally, IGNOU Hall Ticket for enrance examination are declared 7-10 days before the confirm date of entrance exam so that student can prepare for the academic event.
How to Download IGNOU Hall Ticket?
You don’t need to follow the long process for Checking or Downloading your Hall Ticket. You just have to apply some easy steps to get your hall ticket easily for your upcoming exam on your hand.
• First of all, Click on Hall Ticket Link (TEE)
• Next Hover on to Hall Ticket for Term End Examination Dec 2020
• Enter your 9 (Nine) or 10 (Ten) digit enrollment number
• Select your Programme from Dropdown List

• Enter your Name or Birth Date (Optional or If needed)
• Click on the “Submit” button
• You can see Your Hall Ticket with the Complete Details on Your Screen
• Take a print out for Examination and future reference
Note – It is mandatory to take a printout of IGNOU Hall Ticket right after the declaration because IGNOU will not send any printed copy of hall ticket to the students.
Things To Do after Downloading IGNOU Hall Ticket
If you have checked and downloaded your IGNOU Hall Ticket for December 2020 session exam then we advise you to please verify all details printed on the IGNOU hall ticket. If all details are right/correct then you can go ahead and prepare for your examination.
But if your details are printed on hall ticket are incorrect or missing some subjects or incorrect name then we advise contacting the IGNOU centre as fast as possible to make all necessary changes before the examination. We recommend to all students that they take a look at all these details because it will also be printed on your result as well as your grade card too.
Troubleshooting to Download IGNOU Hall Ticket
Some of the candidate getting some issues while downloading his/her hall ticket like “Enrollment Number not found…”, Taking a long time to process your request or server related issues so you don’t need to worry about it because it happens for a reason of heavy traffic on website and possibility that your hall ticket is not uploaded by IGNOU so wait and check for updates after some time.
Note – It is mandatory to take a printout of IGNOU Hall Ticket right after the declaration because IGNOU will not send any printed copy of hall ticket to the students.
Things To Do after Downloading IGNOU Hall Ticket
If you have checked and downloaded your IGNOU Hall Ticket for December 2020 session exam then we advise you to please verify all details printed on the IGNOU hall ticket. If all details are right/correct then you can go ahead and prepare for your examination.
But if your details are printed on hall ticket are incorrect or missing some subjects or incorrect name then we advise contacting the IGNOU centre as fast as possible to make all necessary changes before the examination. We recommend to all students that they take a look at all these details because it will also be printed on your result as well as your grade card too.
Troubleshooting to Download IGNOU Hall Ticket
Some of the candidate getting some issues while downloading his/her hall ticket like “Enrollment Number not found…”,
Taking a longtime to process your request or server related issues then you don’t need to worry about it because it happens for a reason of heavy traffic on website and possibility that your hall ticket is not uploaded by IGNOU so wait and check for updates after some time.
If you are not able to download your hall ticket and your examination is now at the door so without waiting for any moment, just visit your regional centre or Contact IGNOU Study Centre to collect your printed hall ticket.
Any Query, Question?
If you have any queries and questions relate to your IGNOU Hall Ticket then feel free to contact us by writing your comment below and we will get back to you soon with the answer.