IGNOU Hall Ticket For Dec 2020 Termm conclude Examination which is now going to be held in Feb 2021 has been released.
Instructions for December 2020 Term conclude Examination to be held in February 2020
Examinee must be in possession of valid IGNOU Identity Card during the examination & should not carry Mobile Phone inside the Examination Hall at the time of Examination.
Calculators are allowed for use in the examination unless otherwise prohibited through instructions in the question paper.
The Examination Centers will implement the Social Distancing & other measures as per Government of India guidelines in current scenario of Covid-19 to ensure health & safety of the students.
Students are also required to adhere to the guidelines & maintain the Social Distancing & hygiene to ensure safety & health of their own & the fellow students.
In view of the prevailing Covid-19 scenario across the country, some students may not get the desired Examination Centre. The University has tried to accommodate such students in a nearby Examination Centre mentioned in their Hall Ticket.
Students may note that there can be a possibility of last minute change of examination Centre due to Covid-19 situation or any other reason. In such a condition, the University will take appropriate remedial measures. The affected students are advised to be in touch with their respective Regional Center.
Medium of Instruction: The students are required to give answers to the questions only in the languages in which the Programme is offered.
Answer scripts written in any other regional language in which the Programmes are not offered will not be evaluated & the same will be cancelled without any intimation to the students. In such cases, the students will be required to reappear in the examination.
The students have an option to attempt the Examination of the courses in Hindi medium irrespective of registration of the same in English medium.
Examination for the following courses will be of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) type & conducted on OMR sheets only:
BPP: (PCO-01, OMT101, OSS101)
BPCCHN: (BNS041, BNS042)
CLIS( BLI-011, BLII-012, BLII-013, BLII-014)
CBCS Based Bachelors & Honors degree prog. (BEVAE-181)
Request for change in date & session of exam will not be entertained in case the courses are from the same Group( group 1 to group 6) or the courses are backlog courses.
Students registered for appearing in Practical/Lab courses are advised to contact their Regional Centre for venue & schedule of exams.
How to Download Hall Ticket ?
Step 1: Visit Official IGNOU Hall Ticket link here https://ignouhall.ignou.ac.in…
Step 2: Enter your enrollment No. & Program Code
Step 3: Print/Download Your Admit
Card for future reference.