JKSSB Postpones Exams to be held in May 2021
Whereas, the J&K Services Selection Board vide Notice No. SSB/COE/2021/3378-87 dated 08.04.202 notified schedule for conduct of OMR/CBT Examinations for various posts from 24th May to 31st May 2021; and Whereas, due to surge in COVID-19 cases across the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir and rapidly changing circumstances, lockdown restrictions including social distancing norms and health considerations,
the J&K Services Selection Board has reached to the conclusion that it would not be feasible to conduct the aforesaid examinations on the scheduled/ notified dates in view of the prevailing situation.
Now, therefore, in view of the above, the OMR/CBT Examinations for various posts scheduled to be conducted w.e.f. 24th May to 31st May 2021 is hereby postponed till further notice.
Click POSTPONEMENT NOTICE to download it’s official PDF copy.

Source: JKSSB.nic.in