JKSSB extends last date of filling of Online Application Form for Posts of various categories to 17-02-2021


JKSSB extends last date

JKSSB extends last date

SRINAGAR: Whereas, the J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) vide {Advertisement} Notice No. 06 of 2020 dated 29.12.2020 invited online applications from eligible candidates for participating in the selection process for UT/Divisional/District Cadre Posts of various categories in different Departments;

& Whereas, the last Date for submission of online applications has been earlier extended up to 10-02-2021; & Whereas, the online portal for receipt of applications from the eligible candidates has been activated on 18-01-2021 & the Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board has received number of representations from the candidates for extension in the last date for filling of online application forms & Whereas,

the matter has been examined by the Board & it has been decided to extend the last date for submission of online application for various posts advertised vide aforementioned advertisement notification No.06 of 2020 dated:-29-12-2020.

Now, therefore, in the light of above, the last date for submission of online applications for various posts advertised vide {Advertisement} Notice No. 06 of 2020 dated 29.12.2020 in respect of different Departments shall now be 17.02.2021 instead of 10.02.2021.


published by Team KashmirPortal

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