JKSSB Edit Option for Notification 3 of 2021 activated till 18-08-2021
Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB), advertised various posts relating to different departments vide Advertisement Notification No. 03 of 2021 dated 04.06.2021; and,
Whereas, the date of commencement for submission of online applications forms was 20.06.2021 and the Last date for sub mission of online application forms was 03.08.2021; and,
Whereas, the JKSSB has received requests from some candidates for providing of edit option for modifying details submitted in online applications forms;
Now therefore in view of the above, it is hereby notified for information of all such candidates who have applied through the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board’s online application portal www.ssbjk.org.in for various posts in pursuance of the Advertisement Notification No. 03 of 2021 dated 04 -06 -2021
that the “EDIT option” shall remain operational w.e.f. 10-08-2021 up to 18-08-2021.
Steps to Edit JKSSB Application form
- Visit JKSSB Notification 3 Login page here
- Login using your credentials
- Click on My applications
- Now you’ll see edit option inside corder
- Click Edit and make necessary edits if required
- Finally submit the form
- Take a printout for future references
Check the Official Notification Below