IGNOU Exam Date: Online or Offline, open-book/centre-based Other Queries explained
Now a days many are asking questions about IGNOU Exam Dates , speculating about whether exams will be held or not, online or offline mode, open book exam or centre based exams etc.
Few Answered Questions
- We don’t have any information regarding exams as of now. We are only an information Website Portal, not IGNOU officials.
- As soon as there is information regarding exams, please be assured, We will post in our site.
- We don’t have information about the date and time of exams, but IGNOU is giving you ample time to study and prepare.
- Exam dates can be announced any moment, but IGNOU will give you a minimum of 15 days time to prepare. So do not panic, keep studying.
- We don’t have information about the mode of exams, online/offline, open-book/centre-based or exams/promotion. When we get to know, we will let you know.
- We understand, you are curious, anxious and it is okay to feel these. But speculation will take you nowhere.
- Instead of speculating, do what is in your control. Study well, prepare well. Use study materials, guides, Google, previous year question answers. Do study daily.
- So that when the exams are near, you can face it with 100% confidence.
- Best of Luck
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