IGNOU Date Sheet 2021 Released
IGNOU has released the datesheet of June 2021 TEE for final year/semester of UG and PG Programmes and Certificate, PG Certificate, Diploma, PG Diploma programmes.
Exams are starting from August 3rd and will end on Sept 9th 2021.
Questions papers of BSHF101, FST01, BNS041, BNS042, BLI011, BLII012, BLII013, BLII014 and PCO-01 will be objective type or OMR based.
Permission for appearing in examination is provisional and subject to the following conditions:-
1. registration for these courses is valid and not time barred;
2. required number of assignments in the courses have been submitted by due date wherever applicable;
3. have completed minimum time to pursue these courses as per the provision of your programme;
4. have paid the examination fee for all the courses you are appearing in the examination;
5. In case of non-compliance of any of the above conditions, the result of all such courses will not be declared.
Download Date sheet for June 2021 TEE (3rd August to 9th September 2021)